Piranha Agate comes from the State of Parana, near Guarapuava, Brazil and appears to be closely related to what is generally called Brazilian Agate. The name is probably the gringo spelling of its location!
The agates are found in volcanic rocks from the Parana basaltic group and form the largest basalt flow on the earth.
Brazil has the most massive deposits of agate in the world and they are mostly found in southern Brazil, in the basalt flow of the Serra Geral Formation. This area has the largest known basalt flow on earth and the agates here are believed to be about 130 million years old.
Many rocks found in rivers of this region consist entirely of agate!
In past years an estimated 3000 tons per year of Agate has been mined in Brazil.
Piranha Agates appeared in the rock world in the 1970's and are well-known for their intense colors, strong contrast, and excellent banding.
Agate is a member of the chalcedony family, or a microcrystalline quartz, and it has a hardness of about 7 on the Moh's scale. Agates make great gemstone cabochons for jewelry. The name is derived from its occurrence at the Achates River in southwestern Sicily.
Metaphysical Properties: In general Agates are said to be stabilizing and strengthening. They improve memory and increase energy.